Table xonstatdb.xonstat.player_game_stats Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
player_game_stat_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('player_game_stats_player_game_stat_id_seq'::regclass)
player_weapon_stats.player_game_stat_id player_weapon_stats_fk004 R
player_id int4 10
players.player_id player_game_stats_fk001 R
game_id int8 19
games.game_id player_game_stats_fk002 R
nick varchar 128  √  null
team int4 10  √  null
rank int4 10  √  null
alivetime interval 49,6  √  null
kills int4 10  √  null
deaths int4 10  √  null
suicides int4 10  √  null
score int4 10  √  null
time interval 49,6  √  null
captures int4 10  √  null
pickups int4 10  √  null
drops int4 10  √  null
returns int4 10  √  null
collects int4 10  √  null
destroys int4 10  √  null
pushes int4 10  √  null
carrier_frags int4 10  √  null
create_dt timestamp 29,6
stripped_nick varchar 128  √  null
elo_delta numeric 131089  √  null
fastest interval 49,6  √  null
avg_latency numeric 131089  √  null
scoreboardpos int4 10  √  null
laps int4 10  √  null
revivals int4 10  √  null
lives int4 10  √  null

Analyzed at Sat Sep 19 14:38 EDT 2015

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
player_game_stat_id Primary key Asc player_game_stats_pk
create_dt Performance Asc player_game_stats_ix01
game_id Performance Asc player_game_stats_ix02
player_id Performance Asc player_game_stats_ix03

Close relationships  within of separation: